
The BxCRM is organized around a pluridisciplinary research and training, from bench to bedside. Technology transfer structures from the University of Bordeaux support the technological transfer of research developed by laboratories. The stearing committee of the BxCRM is composed of a project leader, the coordinators of the six research programs, the coordinators of training, and the correspondants for the technology transfer structures.

The programs of this Consortium are at the interface of the three departments of University of Bordeaux:


They are organized on six main research programs focused on:

  • Molecular Engineering and Medical Devices
  • Stem Cells and Cellular Therapies
  • Tissue Inflammation and Repair
  • Tissue Vascularization in Regenerative Medicine
  • Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication
  • Social and Human Sciences

Updated on 24/02/2016

Strong interactions

These programs are also in strong interaction with the other transversal scientific projects of University of Bordeaux that emerge in the field of Cancer, Aging and Vascular Diseases and Bioimaging.