(Past and present)
Selected collaborations
In the field of medical devices and hydrogel
- Pr M.W. Grinstaff (Boston University)
- Dr A. Mishra (INMAS, New-Dehli)
- Dr S. Karim (New-York)
In the field of tissue engineering
- Pr D. Mantovani, University Laval, Quebec
- Pr L. Germain, University Laval, LOEX, Quebec
- Pr B. Gubta, University of Delhi, India
- University Porto Allegre, Brazil
In the field of technologies for regenerative medicine
- Pr B. Previtali, Laboratory for Laser Application--SITEC, Politecnico di Milano Pharmaceutical sciences section
- Pr O. Jordan, Pharmaceutical technology department, University of Geneva
Map of BxCRM collaborations through co-publication
(Author: Gorry P; source: Pubmed; treatment: Intellixir)