
The objectives of the formations that will be proposed within the framework of the Life and Health Science College (College Sciences de la Santé) include providing students a solid core of knowledge in fundamental sciences and engineering, particularly as applied to the life sciences.

Teachers in laboratories - INM Teachers in laboratories - INM

This college encompass different faculties, including Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, which are delivering diplomas at the intersection of the life sciences cluster and Biomedical Engineering. These formations, including bachelors, undergraduate and graduate programs are very well adapted to students envisioning to work in the field of regenerative medicine on positions available in academic labs and industry.

For students interested in pursuing a career in research

The University learning and training environment will use biology, chemistry, physic and technology that are germane to biomedical research, in addition to many that are specific to regenerative medicine. Learning content will be regularly evaluated to reach high quality programs.

For students willing to work with industry

The unique formations available at the University will allow them to be in contact during their formation with the most active companies in the field of biomedical applications.

All the different formations (graduate and undergraduate levels) are flexibly structured (semester) for a diversity of educational and professional objectives. Choosing to study at the Science of Health College also means choosing programs, which are integrated with the European higher education framework (BMD - Bachelor-Master-Doctorate).


Updated on 14/12/2015